GSA Schedule

Federal Supply Service Schedule Contractor for Environmental Services

The General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Supply Service Environmental Services multiple award schedules allows Federal customers to purchase services quickly and cost effectively. JMLord, Inc. is please to offer its services as a GSA Environmental Services Schedule Contractor.

Services Offered by JMLord, Inc.:

Special Item Numbers (SINs)

  • SIN 899-1: Environmental Planning Services & Documentation

    Operational services, advice, or guidance in support of agencies’ Environmental Planning Services and Documentation. Examples include, but are not limited to:

    • Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans
      • Supports NRCS and other governmental agencies in planning and documentation of on-farm waste management
    • Groundwater Quality Assessment
    • Groundwater Monitoring
    • Biomass Energy Studies
    • Farm and Field Layout
    • Well Design and Groundwater Management
    • Conjunctive Use Studies
    • Water and Energy Use Studies
    • Land Classification and Soil Surveys
  • SIN 899-2: Environmental Compliance Services

    Operational services, advice, or guidance in support of agencies’ Environmental Compliance Services. Examples include, but are not limited to:

    • Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans
      • Includes environmental compliance management, planning and operation analysis for compliance with permits for waste management associated with confined animal facilities
    • Groundwater Quality Assessment and Monitoring Design
    • Fertility Management Services
    • Irrigation Scheduling and Water Management
    • Pest and Insect Monitoring and Control Programs
    • Cultivation and Tillage Programs
    • Conservation Programs and Drainage Reduction.
  • SIN 899-4: Waste Management Services

    Operational services, advice, or guidance in support of agencies’ Waste Management Services. Examples include, but are not limited to:

    • Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans
      • Includes the collection of data, waste management plans, and analysis of waste characterization
    • Fertility Management Services
    • Farm and Field Layout
    • Irrigation Scheduling
    • Water Management.
  • SIN 899-7: Geographic Information Services

    Operational services, advice, or guidance in support of agencies’ environmental programs utilizing Geographic Information Services. Examples include, but are not limited to:

    • Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans
      • Includes the creation and use of GIS maps
    • GIS Development and Management Services
    • Database Development and Management Services

Contract Information

Contract Number: GS-10F-0021U
Contract Terms: 5 years, plus three 5-year options

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